Believe that You are here to Make a Difference

Believe that You are here to Make a Difference

Many High Achieving Women know from a young age that we’re here to make a difference in the world. We may know that we are here for an important reason but have no clue as to what that difference is.

In order to truly understand yourself and discover what difference you are here to make, it is important to uncover your unique gifts and talents, as well as to identify your passion and life purpose.

Discovering Your Passion

“Your passions are the loves of your life … things that are most deeply important to you… things that, when you’re doing them or talking about them, light you up … When you follow your passion you love your life.”  

(Chris & Janet Atwood, The Passion Test)

When you find your passion and live your life aligned with it, you feel truly joyful, fulfilled, and at peace. It lights your fire and fuels your enthusiasm for life. You feel that you are indeed doing something that makes a difference in the world and you feel alive.

We all have unique gifts and talents to share with the world. I invite you to do a short exercise.

My Unique Strengths and Talents

Things I’m good at that come easily; e.g. mathematics, writing, athletics … Things I enjoy doing; e.g. being in nature, playing piano, teaching others …

i) Fill in the table above. Don’t take a lot of time to think about it. Write down the first things that come to mind.

ii) Circle the items that are similar or identical from each list.

iii) Rate each of the circled items on a scale from 1 to 10 according to how much it excites you/the level of passion you feel around it – “1” being “no interest at all” and “10” being “red hot”

Another clue as to whether something is a passion is if you lose track of time when you’re doing it (e.g. editing film, doing photography … )

iv) From the above, identify your top 3 to 5 passions .

Just being good at something doesn’t mean it is your passion or will fulfill you if you work in that area. I’m sure you know someone who was good at math, went on to study mathematics, taught it at school or university and over time was miserable and not at all happy teaching math everyday. So what we’re good at can provide clues to our passions but are not necessarily connected with them. Things we enjoy doing; e.g. connecting with and inspiring others, are usually better clues to what may be our passions. A passion is often a blend of what we love and what we’re good at. As well, your passions may change over your life-time.

What was your experience with the “unique strengths and talents” exercise. Did you learn anything new? Did it confirm to you that you’re on your path? I’d love to hear your thoughts below. Please share the post with others you think would appreciate it.






Reclaiming Your Life & Making a Difference

Reclaiming Your Life & Making a Difference

ReClaimLife-1What do I mean by reclaiming your life? Many High Achieving Women give to other people, causes, and their work BEFORE they give to themselves. They put themselves at the “bottom of the list”. If they do take some time out for themselves, they often feel guilty that they are not working, or selfish that they are not giving to others. Sound familiar?

Reclaiming your life means consciously examining your activities (giving to others and to yourself), making a decision as to what changes you want to make, committing to them and then making those changes. Here’s a short exercise.

In what areas of my life am I giving to others, how often and how does it make me feel? Here are a couple of examples. I invite you to create your own table and fill it in.

Activity Environment or Individual/Community # of hours/wk/month Feeling state*
1) Volunteer Board member National Not-for-Profit 2 hrs/month ++
2) Driving my 2 kids to their sports activities Local hockey arena(s) & soccer fields 4 hrs/week +
3) Always being a sounding board for my girlfriend On the phone or at her house or mine 4 hrs/week

* ++ (extremely positive; energized & excited) , + (positive) , N (neutral) – (slightly tired, frustrated &/or resentful) or – – (exhausted, extremely frustrated &/or extremely resentful)

Add up the number of hours per week and per month you are giving to others and also notice which activities drain you and which ones really “juice” you.

Next, answer the question: In what areas of my life am I giving to myself, how often and how does it make me feel?

Activity Environment or Individual/Community # of hours/wk/month Feeling state*
1) Yoga classes Local studio 4.5 hrs/week ++
2) Having a massage Therapist comes to my home with her table 1.5 hrs/month ++
3) Having lunch with a friend Local restaurant Once/wk x 1.5 hrs. ++

* ++ (extremely energized &/or supported), + (energized &/or supported) N (neutral)

Add up the number of hours per week and per month you are giving to yourself and note which activities really “juice” and/or support you and any that don’t.

Compare the difference between the two tables. Do have any insights?

I invite you to make a conscious decision to let go of one or several GIVING behaviours that are draining you. Decide on the best strategy for letting go of, or delegating those activities, and set a date to do so.

Now review your second chart. Note the activities that are really energizing and/or supporting you. Do you want to increase the number of hours per week you do those OR are there some other things you’d love to try (e.g. taking piano lessons). Add those to the list and set a date to begin them.

Notice how you feel when you “let go” of some of the GIVING activities that have been draining you and when you add more activities where you give to yourself. I invite you to journal about your experience.

Sometimes we go through life and think that we don’t have choices. In fact, we always DO.

When you reclaim your life, you serve as a role model for other women in your family, community, workplace…; so while doing something for yourself, you are also making a positive difference in the lives of other women.

Did you have any new insights from the exercise? Have you committed to making any changes? I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to share the post with others.


What is Creative Living?

What is Creative Living?

PeaceandBook-2with womanCreative Living is the conscious cultivation of improved health, happiness, fulfillment, and inner peace in your life.

Based on my own journey and work with clients around the world, I have distilled 7 keys to what I call Creative Living. By integrating the 7 keys and their associated proven practices and powerful strategies into your life, you will learn to thrive in life and in business/work. In other words, you will learn to dance with life.

The 7 keys are:

  • Listen to and trust in your body’s wisdom
  • Tap into and express your creative side
  • Consciously create right and left brain/body balance
  • Live life in alignment with your core values
  • Believe that you are here to make a difference
  • Learn from and embrace life transitions
  • Find inner peace, and build peace in your family, friends, community, workplace… the world.

A chapter is devoted to each one of the 7 keys in my book Learning to Dance with Life: A Guide for High Achieving Women.

The value of growing your practice of the seven keys is supported by evidence from neuroscience, the arts, and Eastern psychology. I’ve learned from personal experience and from working with clients that integrating the seven keys to Creative Living into your life will support you as you learn to dance with life.

Are you interested in learning to dance with life or are you currently dancing with life? I’d love to hear your comments. Feel free to post them below and to share this with others.