Are You Making Conscious Choices?

What is conscious choice? Sen defines it as “when you are making choices with the full understanding of reality, from a place of inner freedom, rather than making choices from a place of delusion/ignorance or fear-based motivations.”[1] Brady views conscious choice as (making) “choices that are conscious, free from knee-jerk reactivity, and (being) mindful of […]

How You Can Find Peace Amidst the Chaos of Daily Life & Work

In this high-paced, “plugged-in” world we live in, now more than ever it’s important to have tools to find peace amidst the chaos of daily life and work. I believe that we all have a role to play in helping build peace in the world. When we find inner peace and model it for others, […]

Are You a Chameleon? … And is it Serving You?

A chameleon is a salamander that is able to change the color of its skin so it blends into an environment it enters. It does this to camouflage itself, and also to display aggressiveness toward other chameleons in certain situations. For many years I was a chameleon. I entered environments and based on the signals […]

Tap into and Express Your Creative Side

You may be thinking “creativity – I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” For many years I had the same belief, until some time ago I decided it would be fun to make pottery gifts for friends and family, so I signed up for classes at a local studio. I remember being in […]

The Power of Celebration

“Celebrate” means to “publicly acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity”; and “to honour or praise”. ( When we examine cultures around the world, we find that all cultures, religions and spiritual traditions have special holidays in which people gather to celebrate. Whether they be Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, […]

How Do You Find Peace Amidst the Chaos?

Since today is the UN International Day of Peace, I thought it timely to share some thoughts on how you can find peace amongst the chaos of daily life and work. Many High Achieving Women are restless from a young age. We are on a constant quest for knowledge, meaning and experience. We set a […]

Believe that You are here to Make a Difference

Many High Achieving Women know from a young age that we’re here to make a difference in the world. We may know that we are here for an important reason but have no clue as to what that difference is. In order to truly understand yourself and discover what difference you are here to make, […]

Birthing My Book: Riding the Emotional Roller Coaster

  When I set out to write my first book “Learning to Dance with Life: A Guide for High Achieving Women” that launched on Amazon last week, I had no idea the emotional roller coaster I would ride in the weeks leading up to “going public” with the book. About a month before launch day, […]

Reclaiming & Owning All Parts of Ourselves

What I’ve learned from my own journey and working with clients, is that to be happy, healthy and fulfilled, it is important to reclaim and “own” all parts of ourselves. One way to do this is to identify and embrace the multiple roles we play. Here’s a short exercise. How would you categorize yourself? Check […]

What do You Believe?

I believe that man is essentially good And that we are all interconnected. I believe that everything happens for a reason. The Universe provides me with what I need And Great Spirit is guiding me towards fulfillment. Nature connects me with my soul. I believe that life is an adventure to be lived to the […]