Are You Giving Too Much?

Are You Giving Too Much?


The act of giving in and of itself is a positive experience. It makes us feel good when we share our gifts, talents, time … with others. That said, often as High Achieving Women we give too much. What are some signs that you are giving too much?

Are you feeling SOOO tired? Do you volunteer on a number of boards and/or committees and have little or no time for yourself? Are you always giving to others yet almost never reach out or ask for support? Do you crave some time to relax, reflect and just be?

I remember a time in my life when I would leave home at 7:30 am and return at about 11:30 pm most week-nights. My schedule was always full with a number of volunteer activities in addition to my full-time job. I would “hit the ground running” every day.

What happens when we give too much over time?

  • We have less patience with and tolerance of others
  • We become more reactive and less responsive in our interactions (e.g. we react to what people say rather than taking the time to thoughtfully respond)
  • We have low energy and feel tired on awakening
  • We become resentful and may feel like a victim; e.g. “I’m always helping Sue but she’s never there for me?
  • Over time we may “burn out” or suffer from an auto-immune disorder such as fibromyalgia

How can you start “receiving” and bring yourself more into balance? Here are some proven suggestions:

  • Treat yourself to a massage or bubble bath
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Treat yourself to a yoga class and be truly present during it
  • Reach out for support when you need it; e.g. “Honey do you mind driving the kids to school today? I have an important meeting and I’d like to get to work early to get ready for it.”
  • Meditate for at least 10 minutes everyday
  • Make a list of the volunteer activities you are involved in. Get clear on which one or ones are MOST important to you and why. Withdraw from the others to create more time and space for YOU
  • Sit down and make a list of at least 5 things you could do to nurture yourself. Begin integrating these into your life and notice how you feel.

Are you giving too much? What impact is your giving having on your body, mind and relationships at home and at work? I invite you to share your thoughts below.

The Power and Influence We have as Women

The Creative Living Community respects the power and influence you as a woman have in your day-to-day life. We believe that by sharing the tools to Creative Living* and by working with women to enable them to find peace within themselves, they will in turn be able to build it in their families, communities, workplaces … and ultimately the world. Working with High Achieving Women and enabling them to quiet their busy minds, spend more quality time with their families and friends, find work/life balance, work smart and stay healthy, is a key strategy toward realizing our larger vision of an interconnected global community of women contributing to building peace.

Have you ever sat down and thought about the power and influence you have? I’m not talking about being the CEO of a company of 1000 employees or being a highly paid and sought after speaker, or a best-selling author with thousands of readers, although you may be. I’m talking about you as a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, colleague … . In your day-to-day life you interact with many people and have the power to influence them in positive ways.

Have you been in the presence of someone who really makes you feel like you’re important, that you’re being listened to and truly heard? What qualities make this person memorable? Do they look into your eyes, appear grounded and have their attention truly focused on you? Do they act genuinely concerned about your well-being? Are they truly responsive to what you have to say rather than reactive? Do they speak with you from their heart?

When we interact with others from a place of being grounded and from a place of inner peace, rather than thinking about the next thing on our “to do list” or reacting to something someone says, it affects the quality of our relationships and how people “feel” around us. It also affects our productivity, health and well-being and that of others with whom we interact.

* There are seven keys to Creative Living (outlined in the book “Creative Living: Learning to Dance with Life – A Guide for High Achieving Women” currently being written by Pamela Thompson, founder of the Creative Living Community). Integrating the seven keys into your life and cultivating the practices within each one will lead to a life of increased happiness, health, fulfillment and inner peace. The keys to Creative Living are based on the personal experiences of Pam Thompson, her work with clients in the developed and developing world and evidence from neuroscience, eastern psychology and the therapeutic value of the arts.

Are you interested in joining our global community? What piques your interest about this group? Please post your thoughts, comments or reflections below,